Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Although not caused by bacteria, this site.

Bacteria that cause disease are called pathogenic bacteria. Bacteria

can cause disease in humans, other animals and in plants. Some bacteria

you can do only one particular host is bad, other causes of trouble in >> << number of hosts, depending on the specific host bacteria.

Diseases caused by bacteria almost as varied as are the errors and

include (Source: Department of Health Vic, Au),,, even some forms of cancer. You can not summarize all bacterial diseases, and it would be pretty boring. >> << Gives brief descriptions of diseases, including infectious diseases. Some diseases have been named in honor

organisms that cause them, or vice versa? See here, which also describes their properties as part of the course

of medical microbiology. Some terms used are explained in our

exposure to more links to microscopic photographs can be found at the exhibition on. Some pathogenic bacteria have disproportionately large attention in the press

, e. he,

What in real life called. After all, they can lead to impressive, but fortunately rare symptoms. The press

, pathogenic bacteria, sometimes represented as a (deadly) dangerous enemies

, to hide in the dark, invisible, ready to attack you. Despite the fact that >> << exaggerated some bacteria can be treatening life, such as disease-Legionnaires. These bacteria

survive in moist environments like air conditioning or hot water pipes. Although

potentially life-threatening treatening, bacterial infections do not kill all their victims

. If they did, and if they spread quickly, they would eliminate her

hosts completely. Although a popular subject for a thriller, a "mission impossible" >> << real life. Some bacteria kill >> << high percentage of people infected (they have a so-called high mortality), but th

on the speed of making ineffective for this purpose. When infection spreads throughout the

field, and new cases of infection reaches a certain number, we call it

epidemic. Read on >> << or website. If >> << On the other hand, some diseases are always present in small numbers of cases in

in this area that the disease is endemic

in this field. Some of the epidemic was widespread and easily accessible to remote purchase strattera parts of the world

: nowadays people travel quickly and often, and our bacteria

journey with us. A classic example of such a pandemic

(in this case caused by a virus) was a new type of influenza >> << ("Spanish flu"), who reached the continent after continent >> << earlier this century, killing thousands of people on its way. Although only a small part

infected people died (the virus was low mortality)

so many people caught that even a small portion of deaths was

in large quantities. Epidemics and pandemics can occur only if >> << population has no immunity to the disease. Read our special feature file

about time pathogens can spread indefinitely. Our exhibition on

explains how to prevent illness. So why epidemics occur? Or that they

caused by diseases that previously were not, like AIDS, caused by a virus

HIV, or that new variants of bacteria (or viruses) arrive at the area >> << where they are endemic before. That is why the epidemic

general "flu" comes often: viruses that cause influenza can change >> << yourself enough to get around our immune system is built on previous

infection. Although not caused by bacteria, this site. Whenever a new type of virus there is

potential for a new epidemic. Fortunately, most of these new types

not as vicious as influenza Spanish. Experts are now watching, strain of influenza that is not (yet?) I had learned to jump from person to person (

). If this happens, a new pandemic may be the result. For example >> << bacterial disease that is caused by successive epidemics and even pandemics, recently we have

Vibrio cholerae, causes cholera. Epidemiology

research to determine the cause of the disease. Read a classic (Source: Ultranet EJ Kimball). Another classic in the history of the epidemic was smallpox raging across Europe in the 14th century. Read our special feature file. Bacteria come up with many different strategies to make us sick. These

strategy, called bacterial pathogenicity

, , << subject >> important for medical microbiology. Understanding how some bacteria

make us bad, can lead to improved treatment, vaccination or prophylaxis

that infectious diseases. Examples of such research as treatment

(Source: Montana State Uni). In another exhibit some common mechanisms are described. To keep this information in a balanced, now you know that pathogenic bacteria << >> that, why not check as << >> good for you. Contents of this page copyright and was written by. Choose another exhibit in this catagory or go to another catagory c >> << MENUE on >>. <<

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