Wednesday, February 22, 2012

For more information, contact your health ...

Pneumococcal disease

very serious disease that leads to more

deaths in the United States than all other >> << infections combined. Pneumococcal infection can cause

life-threatening pneumonia and causes about 40,000 deaths annually

in the United States. It can be concluded at any time of year

, but most common in winter months. According >> << Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pneumonia and influenza

together the leading cause of infectious disease death in

United States. Pneumococcal infections caused by bacteria Streptococcus

pneumonia, also known as pneumococcus. The most common types

infections caused by this bacteria include middle ear infection,

pneumonia, blood infection (bacteremia), sinus, and

meningitis. The bacteria spreads through contact between persons

sick or carrying the bacteria in the throat. Transfer

mainly due to the spread of respiratory droplets in strattera prescription the nose or mouth

streptococcus pneumoniae vaccine

Rights of pneumococcal infection. Pneumococcal pneumonia >> << are the most common clinical manifestation of pneumococcal infection >> << among adults. An estimated 175 000 hospitalizations in pneumococcal pneumonia

occur annually in the United States. Pneumococcal vaccine is recommended for persons at risk for serious >> << pneumococcal infections, including the age of 2 years or

older with certain chronic diseases, and all persons aged 65

years and older. Pneumococcal vaccine is usually given only once. This protects most people for life, although some may need

get booster shot after 5 years. Pneumococcal shot protects

persons from serious infections in blood and brain

can cause dangerous diseases, hospitalization or death. Shot

very safely and not feel sick. Where flu vaccine

No, a pneumococcal vaccination

still recommended for those who qualify. Pneumococcal vaccine

but not a substitute for influenza vaccination. It is available >> << when you go to the doctor. Make sure you ask about it. For more information, contact your doctor or district

Department of Health and explore the links below to pneumococcal vaccine >>. << All links below open in a new window. Primary and preventive health services. Administration and management

nursing home facilities. . << >>

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