Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Keep the victim calm animal.

Aspiration pneumonia occurs when foreign substances inhaled

(ambient). Oil can be inhaled birds when they encounter oil on Wednesday >> << trying to show off oil from the feathers, or when

in the process of washing, if the head is held away from the washing water. (. 38. W2,. In 1990. W1,. 3. W9)

Oil aspiration pneumonia diagnosed sometimes post

section with oil birds. (. 13. W10)

liquid or semi-liquid cheap strattera mixtures, food may be the atmospheric probe during feeding >> << or regurgitation after a feeding. (30.. W28. 38. W2,. In 1990. W1)

Mortality is high. (

Defeat lung: pneumonia, usually front-abdominal and cone

form (ground to the pleura), it may be unilateral or bilateral (

Early lesions: a marked congestion, edema of interlobular areas. . bronchi hyperemic and fill foam (

later ... pus and necrotic lesions with a soft or liquid,

red0brown, stinking fires also acute pneumonia and fibrinous

often pleural effusion (

can easily be colorless brown oil aspiration. (. 42. w42)

pneumonia. (. 13. w10)

pneumonia with diffuse pulmonary edema and hemorrhage

multifocal airspace was described in the room 'wooden duck >> << contaminated spilled fuel oil number 6, it was

This is believed to be associated with oil and inhalation

further irritation of the respiratory tract (1 w11 ... )

trachea and lungs may be full of food material with sharp >> << choking through yntratrahealnoho food / fluid allocation. (30.. w28)

Pneumonia at the opening after the inhalation of food. (30 .. w28)

Gross pathology: respiratory system: trachea and bronchi large

were filled with frothy fluid clear light was significantly overloaded,

interlobular walls were expanded, reaching to 5 mm.

thick, and there were early localized area of ​​consolidation. (. 179. w3)

necrotic trachea, lungs, contained visible food particles and

was gangrenous pneumonia. (. in 1981. w4)

lymph nodes: tracheobronchial, mandibular, prescapular,

axillary and superficial inguinal lymph nodes were overloaded (179 w3.).

Histopathology. respiratory system: lung samples showed

aspiration pneumonia is characterized by small pieces of plant material >> << s in alveoli, acute necrotizing

and brochiolitis. (. 179. w3)

marked alveolar and interlobular present. was early fibrin and neutrophil infiltration most

alveoli. alveolar capillaries congested. Some alveoli presented

signs of early emphysema. Small pieces of plant material and

squames observed

fluid in the alveoli .. (. 179. w3) (. 179 . w3)

bronchi and bronchioles are represented acute necrotizing inflammation and

peeling congestion of the lungs: pneumonia and suppurative vasculitis with

region thrombosis and extreme congestion

lymph nodes. (1981 w4.).: .. (. 179. w3) congestion in the tracheobronchial lymph nodes

, acute lymphadenitis

Gross Pathology: Respiratory System: grass spine was found that the

migrated down and penetrated lobe of the lung, followed by pneumonia >> << in

mother brought baby in Denver Zoological Gardens (39 w1.). <.

Histopathology: Respiratory. lung necrosis, fibrosis, abscessation ,

inflammatory infiltrate and fibrin accumulation in bronchioles and

alveoli, solid particles can be considered Pleurisy (13 w13.). <.

often in history. (. 2. w2)

radiologically, is mixed bronchial alveolar and interstitial pneumonia

picture but can not be much

x-ray changes. acute episode (. 2. w2)

may develop, but it varies the type (

pathology. lung lesions detected were similar to those observed in cattle with aspiration pneumonia

. (. 179. w3)

Culture and identification. Peptostreptococcus microscopy,

Eubacterium lentum

and two unknowns and bacteria isolated from the lungs first two isolates

normal oral cavity of people and were easily isolated from

in human cases of aspiration pneumonia (179 w3 ..)

history, physical examination, radiography, hematology. >> << tracheal lavage sample - cytology and culture. (. 7. w7. 6. w6)

radiographs of the chest . (. 7. w7. 13. w13. 26. w26)

First, the dependence of light particles involved. (. 7. w7)

Aspiration pneumonia can be seen in the posterior cranial left lung

lobe and right middle lobe of the lung. dependent parts of caudal >> << particles may (or vice versa) will be involved. (26.. w26. 13. w13)

Participation of small airways may be visible radiographically

aspiration pneumonia, seriously. (. 13. w13)

atelectasis may be noted. (. 13. w13)

Give a broad spectrum antibiotic, if the animal is known to inhale << Foreign matter >>,

before any clinical signs of development. (

Keep the victim calm animal. (

Provide general supportive therapy and oxygen therapy. (

Maintenance therapy for oil pneumonia inhalation includes the provision of high-fat diet

nyzkouhlevodnaya. (. in 1990. w1)

After aspiration of food, quick placement

air sac cannula, together with aggressive antibiotic therapy

(for example -,

plus ketoconazole) and steroid therapy can try (30 ... w28)

Note: ...... bad weather, obviously treatment can be

further chronic fungal infection (30 w28)

[dose not stated] (179 w3)

nursing intervention for pneumonia

[dose not stated]. (. 179. w3)

5 mg / kg intramuscularly once a day for five days, and

0. of 25 mg / kg intramuscularly once a day for five days was given to treat

bear with suspected pneumonia after impregnation with buffalo

buttermilk. (. 38. w1)

In Zaytsepodibni and. (. Dec08. w1)

Note: .. aspiration pneumonia often leads to death (.. Dec08 w1)

oxygen should be given if breathing difficulty (..... 6. w6, 7 w7, 11 w11)

diuretics may help with gas exchange in lung

infusion therapy must be provided (6 w6, w7 7 11, w11 ......)

infusion therapy provide very nice products. (6 w6 ..). force feeding can be

necessary. (. 6. w6. 7. w7. 11. w11)

Antibiotics should be waiting for culture results. (. 7. w7. 26. w26)

/ 12. 5-25 mg / kg orally every eight-12: 00. (. 21. w21. 26. w26)

also be effective. (. 6. w6)

Cephalosporins (. 7. w7. 26. w26)

or fluoroquinolones. (. 7. w7 . 26. w26). (. 7. w7)

sulfamethoxazole (). (7 w7.).

- Note. combination of these antibiotics can be

needed (. 7. w7) << Treatment should be >> to clinical signs and stop

Light> ferret clear on radiographs. (26.. w26)

weak birds should fluids parenterally (eg intravenously or subcutaneously), not fed orally. (. in 1990. w1)

In anesthesia, make sure you head gently slope >> << body so that any liquid is spit out of your mouth and do not

inhaled. (. w13)

If a bear breaks during anesthesia, ensure adequate drainage of the cavity, if

-necessary pulling up on their hind legs. (. w13)

When cubs bottle, make sure they are Front

(belly down) rather than on the back, and that hole in the nipple

not too large. (. 9. w4)

, Zaytsepodibni If the parties in education, speed control consumption of milk through a syringe

instead of the bottle. (. 10. w10)

Make sure that the oral drug that is done carefully. (. 6. w6). << >>

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